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(NFT) How to Create a Revised Offer/Contract

The steps to revise a contract differ, depending on the following scenarios:

  • Whether or not the employee’s person (contract) type is changing. For example, from Partial Load to Part-Time Professor.
  • Whether or not the employee’s step/status in Recruitment in the HRMS has already been moved to Hire/HRIS.

It is important to follow the scenarios and the steps within each scenario very closely to ensure the employee’s revised contract is completed correctly. If you’re unsure of how to create a revised contract for your specific scenario, contact your Talent Acquisition Advisor for assistance.

For more information about the difference between a new contract and a revised contract, please refer to the What is the difference between a new contract and a revised contract? FAQ.

Scenario 1 – Create a revised offer with a change in person type – Candidate’s step/status is Offer/Extended or Offer/Accepted

Example: the employee’s hours are increasing so their person type is changing from Part-Time Professor to Partial Load. On the original offer, the candidate’s step/status is Offer/Extended or Offer/Accepted.

Follow the Create a Revised Offer With a Change in Person Type knowledge article, noting the following important information:

  • You must create a new requisition for the new person type and match the candidate to the new requisition to create their revised offer.
  • Rescind the candidate’s original contract. DO NOT rescind the original offer if the candidate’s step/status is Hire/HRIS.
  • On the new offer you are creating, select No for ‘Revised Contract?’.
  • Refer to the Recruitment Offer Matrix document which outlines which fields are required on the offer for each hire scenario type.

Scenario 2 – Create a revised offer with a change in person type – Candidate’s step/status is Hire/HRIS

Example: the employee’s hours are increasing so their person type is changing from Part-Time Professor to Partial Load. On the original offer, the candidate’s step/status is Hire/HRIS.

Follow the Create a Revised Offer With a Change in Person Type knowledge article, noting the following important information:

  • You must create a new requisition for the new person type and match the candidate to the new requisition to create their revised offer.
  • DO NOT rescind the original offer if the candidate’s step/status is Hire/HRIS.
  • On the new offer you are creating, select Yes for ‘Revised Contract?’, select the ‘Rationale for Revision’ and enter the ‘Assignment Number Being Revised’.
  • Refer to the Recruitment Offer Matrix document which outlines which fields are required on the offer for each hire scenario type.

Scenario 3 – Create a revised offer with NO change in person type – Candidate’s step/status is Offer/Extended or Offer/Accepted

Example: the employee’s rate is increasing or they are going to teach another course but the weekly hours do not change their person type. On the original offer, the candidate’s step/status is Offer/Extended or Offer/Accepted.

Follow the Create a Revised Offer With NO Change in Person Type knowledge article, noting the following important information:

  • Rescind the candidate’s original contract. DO NOT rescind the original offer if the candidate’s step/status is Hire/HRIS.
  • Once the offer is rescinded on the original contract, you can create the revised offer on the same requisition. On the new offer you are creating, select No for ‘Revised Contract?’.
  • Refer to the Recruitment Offer Matrix document which outlines which fields are required on the offer for each hire scenario type.

Scenario 4 – Create a revised offer with NO change in person type – Candidate’s step/status is Hire/HRIS

Example: the employee’s rate is increasing or they are going to teach another course but the weekly hours do not change their person type. On the original offer, the candidate’s step/status is Hire/HRIS.

Follow the Create a Revised Offer With NO Change in Person Type knowledge article, noting the following important information:

  • DO NOT rescind the original offer if the candidate’s step/status is Hire/HRIS.
  • You must duplicate the requisition or create a new requisition because the candidate has already been hired on the original requisition and you cannot hire someone on the same requisition more than once.
  • Add ‘(Revised)’ in the title of the new requisition.
  • On the new offer you are creating, select Yes for ‘Revised Contract?’, select the ‘Rationale for Revision’ and enter the ‘Assignment Number Being Revised’.
  • Refer to the Recruitment Offer Matrix document which outlines which fields are required on the offer for each hire scenario type.

It is important to follow the scenarios and the steps within each scenario very closely to ensure the employee’s revised contract is completed correctly. If you’re unsure of how to create a revised contract for your specific scenario, contact your Talent Acquisition Advisor for assistance.