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Who can request for a T2200/T2200S form?

Employees can determine their eligibility for the Declaration of Conditions of Employment form (T2200 form for 2023 or T2200S for 2020-2022), by following the guidelines provided by the CRA: Eligibility criteria – Detailed method – Home office expenses for employees –

A T2200/T2200S form has to be requested by the employee, by sending an e-mail to, copying their manager who they were reporting into during the period the form is required for. Requested T2200/T2200S forms will be made available to view, download, and print from the Human Resource Management System (HRMS).

To view CRAs update on T2200 Forms for 2023, visit: Home office expenses for employees –

To view CRAs examples of how to calculate the % of duties performed at home, visit: Eligibility criteria – Detailed method – Home office expenses for employees –